Get ready for a productive interview and hire the best of the best employees.
The interview guidance & analytic tool includes five fundamental functionalities.
Automated Interview guidance
Interview Question Database
Personality assessment
Job Interview examination module
Job compatibility analytics
Job Interview guidance and analytic tool
Software that helps you hire better, faster, and smarter
Automatized Talent management system to quickly attract, identify and hire the best candidates.
AI conversational bot engages with all applicants, getting the most qualified ones for your business, answering potential candidates' questions along the way, and empowering you with the screening data you need in real-time.
Unleash the full power of
Conversational AI
saved per recruiter day
Sourcing, Screening, Engagement
Unleash access to untapped Talent Pools
Smarter hiring starts with
Outbound Recruiting
Access to 900M+ candidates from 50+ open web platforms. AI helps you discover hard-to-find and diverse candidates.
Use AI to accurately and efficiently screen thousands of applicants in real time to shortlist, identify, and match the ideal candidates to fill your open requisitions faster.
Screening enables smarter talent acquisition
Benefits of Recruitment module
Approximately 75% to 88% of incoming CVs are excluded from the list of candidates who are not suitable to invite for an interview. Automating this process, you can save a lot of valuable time on this selection.
Keep your hiring process short and reduce recruitment costs by knowing your candidates' personalities better in a short space of time
With an automated hiring tool, you can not only take interviews but can also use it to schedule interviews specifying stuff from all along, like:
• Who will take the interview?
• When will the interview be taken?
• Where will the interview be taken?
The HRM System allows you to automate this time-consuming process.
Job Interview guidance and analytic tool
Get ready for a productive interview and hire the best of the best employees.
The interview guidance & analytic tool includes five fundamental functionalities.
Automated Interview guidance
Interview Question Database
Personality assessment
Job Interview examination module
Job compatibility analytics
CV form can be published on any candidate attraction sources, whether a company website, recruitment services, or online advertisement pages.
When candidates fill out their CVs, it automatically appears in the HRM system, and it doesn't matter how many CVs the company receives these can be filtered, and tagged in a matter of minutes.
Curriculum Vitae - and Recruitment tracker
The video is engaging. Humans are visual creatures. Visual storytelling helps to better comprehend and retain information and is the format that’s most likely to pique a potential new hire’s interest.
Videos encourage sharing. Companies often rely on employee referrals to scout out talent. Because people seem naturally compelled to share well-crafted video content, your employees will likely share your recruiting video on their social networks.
Video is great for mobile. Video is a hit on mobile devices
Create a job vacancy with a few clicks.
Choose from picklist a job title you seek for and job vacancy form fills automaticaly with all information from predefined job descriptions the database.
Video feature - an excellent way to promote jobs and highlight your company as an employer
Job vacancy publication
By using this recruitment functionality you have a higher advantage to sell to employees an opportunity to work for your company.
Hire better
Hire faster
Hire smarter
Increase efficiency and reduce hiring team bias by using the interview guidance module. Conduct consistent interviews with easy-to-use templated questions related to a candidate’s job role, and use a score function to assess replies.
Accelerate the Hiring Process
View all relevant data about the candidate —including resumes, notes, email messages, interview stages across all applications, and more - in one consolidated profile view from inside Talentgreatness.
57% of job seekers lose interest in a job if the hiring process is too long.
While a candidate may seem like a perfect fit on paper and may have all the right answers to introductory questions, they may not possess the personal skills or abilities needed to excel in the role.
Talentgreatness helps to detect the highest-priority traits during the interview.
Discover your candidate’s skills beyond the CV.
Smarter hiring starts with Outbound Recruiting
Sourcing, Screening, Engagement
Unleash access to untapped Talent Pools
Access to 900M+ candidates from 50+ open web platforms. AI helps you discover hard-to-find and diverse candidates.
Use AI to accurately and efficiently screen thousands of applicants in real time to shortlist, identify, and match the ideal candidates to fill your open requisitions faster.
Screening enables smarter talent acquisition
saved per recruiter day
Unleash the full power of Conversational AI
AI conversational bot engages with all applicants, getting the most qualified ones for your business, answering potential candidates' questions along the way, and empowering you with the screening data you need in real-time.